Suggestions from customers are always welcome. Combined with our experts’ knowledge of production technology, and our company’s decades of experience and great flexibility, these suggestions often result in the most creative and best product developments.

There are no limits to the selection of materials and production processes. We have long-standing relationships with our partner companies, and maintain an efficient network of reliable specialists from various industries. Thanks to these collaborations, we are able to offer tailor-made and innovative solutions. Naturally, this is always after we have put the prototypes through the design, model-making, tooling & sample production, quality control and series maturity stages.

We usually bear the risk for new developments, but we are experimental and always look forward to hearing your suggestions. Do not hesitate to challenge us with your ideas! That was the attitude of company founder Engelbert Goecke, and therefore how the company and its range have grown – from the basic sketch, to the creation of a quality product used for surveying. That is how it always has been, and always will be.