Prisms for WILD/LEICA-total stations - offset -34 mm
When buying new total stations almost always "original" prism of the instrument manufacturer is recommended. Unfortunately, these reflectors are usually more expensive and quality is not always better than prisms from other suppliers. Often come the so-called "accessory" - prisms of the same companies as the "originals" are absolutely comparable quality, but it is much cheaper. We would like to give a few tips for the best selection of your prisms ...
Possible errors due to the optical point of reversal of the prism:
Ideally, a prism system has the so-called optical reversal point (visible prism center) of the glass prism in Stehund tilt axis. These prisms we feature separately in the description.
This reversal point lies in front of or behind the axis, the prism should be in the direction and angle to be aligned as closely as possible to the instrument. This may result in errors in the distance and above all in the angle measurement, which will worsen if no target board is used. The possible error is greater, the more the optical inversion point is before or behind the standing or tilt axis of the prism.
With the exception of some Zeiss and Leica Compatible prisms with a prism offset of -34 and -35 mm and the BEANS STINGL HIP and HIT prisms most other prisms or for Geodimeter, Spectra Precision, Sokkia, Nikon, etc. . exclude this error. During the actual measurement errors are prisms with an offset of 30 mm in most cases negligible area, you should look at an offset of 0 mm really close attention to the exact alignment of the instrument.
Material of housing and target board:
Alternatively, if your instrument system prism holder and target plate are available in metal or plastic design, we advise you to stay in spite of the much more robust metal version. Even the most impact-resistant plastics are increasingly brittle at low temperatures or long duration UV radiation, the long-term consequence is the breaking of the holder.
Mirroring the prism back:
Most prisms are in a closed-type manufactured so that between the prism body and prism housing can occur any air. With prisms open type, for example LEICA GPH1, the glass body is directly subjected to the ambient air.
When significant temperature differences can occur due to condensation to fog the prism and associated waiting times annoying. Therefore we offer for different types of prisms surcharge high quality copper-bw. Silver coating of the prism back to that mitigates this problem clearly and completely prevented. The extra cost of the complex coating is, in our view well laid out and quickly pays for itself.
