Protection bags for several applications
Most accessory items are supplied with the purchase in cartons. These are for one-time delivery makes sense for a long-term storage in some cases but not optimal.
We offer a collection of sturdy bags and suitcases that meet all requirements. This will protect your valuable equipment from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage. A worthwhile investment, because the life of your surveying accessories increases significantly!
Unpadded mounts
Mainly suitable for the transportation of tools and accessories insensitive or as protection for the surface coating of enamel rods, etc.. Our bags are mainly made of water-repellent robust polyamide fabric, which is the same material weight about 14 times more tear-resistant than cotton.
Padded protective bags / backpacks
The closed-cell foam padding provides excellent protection for your equipment. With our special backpacks you can carry your total station or GPS equipment over long distances, so you protect your material and your back.
Our super strong, airtight, watertight and dustproof HD box set the maximum protection for your high-quality equipment. The division can represent you - thanks grid foam inserts - quickly and easily adapt it to your needs.
We offer a collection of sturdy bags and suitcases that meet all requirements. This will protect your valuable equipment from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage. A worthwhile investment, because the life of your surveying accessories increases significantly!
Unpadded mounts
Mainly suitable for the transportation of tools and accessories insensitive or as protection for the surface coating of enamel rods, etc.. Our bags are mainly made of water-repellent robust polyamide fabric, which is the same material weight about 14 times more tear-resistant than cotton.
Padded protective bags / backpacks
The closed-cell foam padding provides excellent protection for your equipment. With our special backpacks you can carry your total station or GPS equipment over long distances, so you protect your material and your back.
Our super strong, airtight, watertight and dustproof HD box set the maximum protection for your high-quality equipment. The division can represent you - thanks grid foam inserts - quickly and easily adapt it to your needs.
These bags are designed for our stakes 3HP-1 (R) and 3HP-2 (R) voted and put the - in our view - only viable transportation option on the site They can each carry a full covenant in the corresponding pocket.
These bags are suitable mainly for prisms and tripods.
In this case, you can transport prism and antenna poles with a mounted two-or tripod.
For transporting and storing vector equipment.
Ideal for paint and material-saving transport your prism and antenna poles.
Of an extremely tough 1000 denier Cordura with waterproof PU coating and sturdy carrying strap.
The hip bag made of robust polyamide fabric was designed for surveyors working in the field.
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